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The court said "STOP" to the construction in the Akçay Wetland.

We are joyful!

Balıkesir 2nd Administrative Court said stop to illegal construction in Akçay Marshes and Wetland. The construction permits given by the Edremit Municipality for the “Enginkent Akçay” project and the unapproved zoning plans of 1980 made by the abolished Zeytinli Municipality were cancelled.

We thank our lawyer Cem Altıparmak and our scientists Itri Levent Erkol, Lider Sinav, Kadri Kaya, Dr. Hatice Bilgic Lim, Osman Erdem, Şafak Aslan, Assoc. Dr. Dilek TÜRKER and Prof. Dr. We would like to thank Gülendam TÜMEN and everyone who contributed.

Our struggle will continue.

Akçay Reeds and Wetland is the home of wolf, bird, bugs and eels.

7 villas built illegally in the wetland should be demolished and the area should be rehabilitated immediately!

Akçay Wetland Defense: Kazdağı Natural and Cultural Heritage Protection Association, Nature Research Association, Green Thought Association, Edremit Environmental Health and Nature Conservation Association, S.S. Project House Production Education Management and Environmental Protection Cooperative, Doğa Derneği



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